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Neqo, the Mozilla Firefox implementation of QUIC in Rust
lang: Rust
stars: 1.8K
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🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.
lang: Rust
stars: 13.5K
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A Creative Coding Framework for Rust.
lang: Rust
stars: 6K
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casey / just
🤖 Just a command runner
lang: Rust
stars: 21.5K
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Format Rust code
lang: Rust
stars: 6K
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This is the Rust course used by the Android team at Google. It provides you the material to quickly teach Rust.
lang: Rust
stars: 28K
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A lightning-fast search API that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow
lang: Rust
stars: 47.5K
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Official Rust implementation of Apache Arrow
lang: Rust
stars: 2.6K
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📦✨ your favorite rust -> wasm workflow tool!
lang: Rust
stars: 6.3K
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🐚 An async & dynamic ORM for Rust
lang: Rust
stars: 7.4K
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A low-level library for OpenGL context creation
lang: Rust
stars: 2K
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⚡️Lightning-fast linter for .env files. Written in Rust 🦀
lang: Rust
stars: 1.8K
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a multi-language bindings generator for rust
lang: Rust
stars: 2.9K
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Volta: JS Toolchains as Code. ⚡
lang: Rust
stars: 11.2K
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The user-friendly command line shell.
lang: Rust
stars: 26.3K
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